Does the word ‘reinvigorate’ intimidate you? It shouldn’t. Reinvigorate simply means ‘energize’. That doesn’t seem too bad now, does it? In a world where technology makes us lazier day by day, you need to make sure you stay fresh and energized. Here are 10 things that you can incorporate in your daily routine to keep you stimulated.



1. Stay hydrated
Just because 60% of your body weight is water, doesn’t mean that you can survive on coffee or carbonated drinks. Consuming the right amount of water is vital for your body. And it doesn’t hurt that it helps with weight loss as well. Six liters per day is the ideal amount the body requires.


2. Balanced diet
Undoubtedly, you know that three meals a day is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. What you also need to know is that burgers and pizza’s don’t qualify as healthy meals. A balanced meal requires you to consume proteins, carbohydrates and fats at a 30:40:30 ratio.

3. Evergreen life
Fun fact: people who work with a plant in their line of vision tend to concentrate better and carry out tasks much quicker; and the sooner you get done with your work, the faster you can relax and make time for your personal activities.


4. Exercise
It’s not mandatory to run a 10 km marathon or train for the Olympics. But half an hour on the treadmill or 50 skips a day does way more for your body than you realize. Take baby steps: start with a few stretches and slowly increase your pace. Plan your workout according to your personal needs.


5. Switch tasks
Staring at your laptop all day can be quite draining. Multitasking is a good way to stay stimulated. Your mind needs rest from the screen, even if your eyes don’t.


6. Snack breaks

Have you tried biting your way through the day? Snacking will keep your metabolic rate active and control your blood sugar. A few nuts at the end of every hour, a fruit or two, or maybe even a salad if you’re up to it.

7. Power naps

Power naps can last anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes and will give you as much energy as a strong cup of coffee. What’s better, they don’t stain your teeth or raise cholesterol levels.


8. Surrounding yourself with positive energy

Have you noticed how some people in your life are more difficult than others? Their presence drains you of your energy, leaving you easily exhausted. There’s no need to retain that kind of negativity in your life. A good atmosphere is crucial to maintaining high energy levels.


9. Stay-cations

You don’t necessarily need to take a one-month vacation in Hawaii to pamper yourself – you can do the same in your own home. For some of you, that may mean a spa day, and for others it may be a party. Go for it; have fun. Remember, you only live once.


10. Regularized sleep cycle

It’s almost impossible to get a good eight hours of sleep with the amount of work and stress that comes with jobs these days. However, a habitual sleep pattern is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Everyone deserves the simple pleasure of a good night’s sleep.

Does the word ‘reinvigorate’ intimidate you? It shouldn’t. Reinvigorate simply means ‘energize’. That doesn’t seem too bad now, does it? In a world where technology makes us lazier day by day,

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